Amplifying Our Work – Recent News

When we have the opportunity to share our story, we take it.

This is not only because we take great pride in the innovation we’re bringing to an issue believed to be unsolvable, but because there’s hope in our approach. And hope is always worth stepping to the mic for.

Cofounder Beth Silverman recently joined The Bottom-Up Revolution, a podcast produced by Strong Towns. The nonprofit media advocacy organization creates articles and shows that “ask hard questions about how we build today, and shine a spotlight on a better way that we must take up tomorrow.” With a mission like that, you can likely tell why we found allyship with them and found their podcast to be a great platform for our vision. Strong Towns also offers a variety of courses and materials. Check them out and give our full episode a listen here.

Lotus Campaign was also recently featured in Urban Land Institute’s Homelessness to Housed Report, which explores the role the real estate sector can play in addressing homelessness.

In our feature, beginning on page 40, ULI writes: “By leveraging modest amounts of philanthropic funds, Lotus gains access to privately held properties to provide housing for those experiencing homelessness without the use of government funds. Lotus is proving that it is possible for the private real estate and investment communities to ‘do well by doing good.'”

Like we said, we’ve got a lot of hope to share, and have supporters like you all to thank for it.

P.S. Let us know what you think of these pieces or where you’d like to see us end up next. We’d love to hear your thoughts.

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