5-Year Anniversary Campaign

It’s hard to believe, but this past July, we celebrated our 5th anniversary.

In 2018, we launched Lotus Campaign with a vision to solve homelessness by bringing together unlikely allies – real estate developers, landlords, service provides and philanthropists. It’s bold – doing something nobody has ever done before and believing you can be the ones to virtually solve something as pervasive and systemic as homelessness. And five years in? It’s working.

  • A full 97% of the graduates of our Landlord Participation Program go on to support themselves independently.
  • We’re days from crossing 430 individuals and families housed in Charlotte.
  • We officially launched a second program in the Triangle that’s poised to house nearly 200 within the first three years.
  • We now have more than 30 landlords, social service organizations, and funding partners backing our work.

We set out to build and deploy a replicable, scalable, impactful model that would solve homelessness. With the support of our core community, we have realized our vision. But also, we’ve just scratched the surface.

The Landlord Participation Program is funded solely by philanthropic donations, and to apply it to new communities, educate others about the model, and house more people in need, your support is critical. We have launched a campaign to raise at least $100K in honor of our last five years but really, in preparation for our next five. Some of our close-in supporters have already pledged nearly $88K of this, and we are asking you, this community, to help us close the final gap.

Will you make a gift in honor of our 5th anniversary?

Count me in for a donation to the campaign in honor of Lotus Campaign’s work to solve homelessness.  

By 2028, we plan to:

  • Scale to at least two new communities, in addition to the Triangle area & Charlotte;
  • Double our partner community of landlords and social service organizations, helping open more new doors and provide additional long-term, trauma-informed care;
  • Identify and secure our next real estate investment, allowing us to reserve affordable housing for residents of our program; and
  • Cross over the 1,000 mark for residents housed through our program.

Thank you for being a part of the group who helped us achieve so much as we built our foundation.


The Lotus Campaign Team

P.S. Want to hear directly from the individuals and families we have helped over the last 5 years? Check out our Impact Report.

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