Lotus Begins Search for Photography Partner

Lotus Campaign, a nonprofit organization working to solve homelessness, is in search of a skilled, collaborative, and creative photographer to help us capture the intimate impact of our work. Specifically, we are looking for someone to join us to capture the residents who have been housed through our Landlord Participation Program, the landlords who helped make it possible, and a few photos of our team as well. We are looking for a professional with experience in intimate settings as we will be capturing residents in their new homes, doing everyday activities, to fully embody the idea that “home = hope” and underscore the idea that those experiencing homelessness are our neighbors. We want these images to exude warmth and remind people of themselves in their own homes.

Who is Lotus Campaign?

The Lotus Campaign unites real estate leaders, landlords, service providers and philanthropists to dramatically reduce homelessness. We started operating our Landlord Participation Program in 2018 as a way to engage the private, real estate sector to be a partner in the solution to homelessness. We deploy philanthropy to open access to market-rate, mixed-income housing without government funds or support. We break down typical barriers that prevent people who are experiencing homelessness to get stable, lasting housing. Then, we work with local social service organizations to provide residents with ongoing support to help ensure they stay housed for the long-term. Our model has a 97% success rate, meaning that 97% of the sponsored residents go on to support themselves independently.

Who are you?

We are NOT looking for someone who specializes in corporate photography or even someone who specializes in nonprofit photography. We are looking for someone who specializes in family, engagements, or weddings. We believe that being able to capture intimacy and candid moments will produce the best product.

Asset Objectives

Charlotte: 2-Day Shoot

  1. Gather coverage of 4 sponsored residents in Charlotte in their homes over 2 days (2 individuals a day)
  2. Gather coverage of the 4 sponsored residents in and around their neighborhoods (walking down sidewalks, playing on playgrounds, waiting at public transportation, etc. – 2 individuals a day)
  3. Gather portraits of the sponsored residents & the landlords who helped open the doors
  4. Gather portraits of the sponsored residents & Lotus staff who helped open the doors

Triangle: 1-Day Shoot

  1. Gather coverage of 2 sponsored residents in Raleigh in their homes. 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon.
  2. Gather coverage of 2 sponsored residents in their neighborhoods
  3. Gather portraits of the sponsored residents & the landlords who helped open the doors
  4. Gather portraits of the sponsored residents & Lotus staff who helped open the doors


  1. Staff Portraits: We would like to add photos of each member of our staff (some in Charlotte & some in Raleigh). This would be approximately 6 staff members.


  • The Lotus Campaign team will create a creative brief for each shoot that speaks to the key aspects of each story to be illustrated.
  • Note that Lotus Campaign has already put together a reference guide & a Pinterest mood board to define the types of images we are looking for but please note that we want you to bring your own creative spin and style to this shoot, while recognizing the importance of hopeful, intimate imagery.
  • The Photographer and Lotus team will then brainstorm a shot list to convey the key aspects of each story.
  • The Lotus team will provide a mood board with examples of the types of photographs we are seeking.
  • The Lotus team will help to schedule all participants and provide a run of show to all participants & photographer.

Uses & Audiences

These photos will be used on our new website (to be launched in the spring). They will also be used to create a library of images that can be used for social media, print pieces used to garner donor support, and impact reports. The photographer must be comfortable providing full rights to the photography and use without credit. For example, we will use this photography on our website & in impact reports without the photographer’s name on the image. The target audiences for all of these photos include supporters of various levels, and prospective landlord partners & social service partners.

Brand Personality & Dos & Don’ts

The goal of this project is to convey sponsored residents’ success in ways that feel authentic and respectful. We are looking for warm and genuine “look and feel” and “day in the life” coverage. Must avoid any suggestion of what has been referred to as “poverty porn.” We are hoping to capture candid images of people living their lives, rather than anything staged.

Providing final files

Lotus will work with the photographer to create a comprehensive file naming system prior to the shoot days  so the photographer can provide final files organized into predetermined folders.  Lotus Campaign expects to receive final files edited down to usable images.

Proposed Timeline

January 31 –  RFPs due from photographers, including a short paragraph about interest & a link to your  portfolio.  Please send information to Haley Walker at haley@lotuscampaign.org.

February 5 – Interview with top 2 photographer choices

February 9 – Final photographer chosen

February 20-23 – Shoots ideally take place at some point this week, though we are flexible for the right partner.

March 15  – All photos delivered to Lotus Campaign, though will be based upon when the shoots take place.


We anticipate paying approximately $7K for these deliverables, including travel and accommodation cost should they be necessary, though we are flexible for the right partner.

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