One city will soon be many
In 2018, Lotus Campaign took stock of the evolution of homelessness in America and the reasons it has become one of the most seemingly insurmountable challenges of our society. We concluded: If the problem is this big and vast, the solution must be equally so. Today, we increase the availability of housing for people experiencing homelessness by engaging the weight and heft of the for-profit sector. Simply, we serve as a bridge between nonprofits that identify people at risk of homelessness and those that have ample, available housing – landlords, real estate developers and investors. This is how we have already housed over 350 people in ONE city. We have big plans to bring our model to new places in 2022. Can we count on your support before December 31?

350 housed to date
We recently reached 350 people housed. This is a big milestone and we appreciate the support you have provided along the way. Home is a foundation. It’s a place from which success in other areas of life grows. It’s our roots. This fact is underlined for us in this work daily, especially when you consider that of those 350 people, more than 100 of them have successfully renewed their leases and another 100 have gone on to get leases of their own or purchased their own home entirely. Want to learn more about how our model works?

$17,300 Raised in Year-End Auction
Together, pottery, vacation homes, one-of-a-kind experiences and YOU helped raise more than $9,300 to support our work in 2022. Businesses – big and small – came together to make our year-end auction a smashing success. Thank you to all of those listed above that contributed an item. A special shout out to board member, Jeralyn Gerba for securing many of our travel and vacation related items! Also, an extra thank you to Duke Energy for sponsoring the event with an $8K matching challenge.
Matching gifts are still being received from this challenge, simply add a note in your online donation or check memo “Duke Challenge”.

Extra! Extra! Read all about US!
We were fortunate to be featured in several big publications recently. In November, Lotus Campaign was featured in South Park and Meyers Park, two Charlotte-based neighborhood magazines. Additionally, Lotus is thrilled to have been featured in Drew Magazine, a new quarterly publication produced by Drew Barrymore. Drew lists Lotus in their list “Pocket Change the World,” a collection of organizations making powerful impact compiled by our very own Board member Jeralyn Gerba.

Big Recognition for Cofounders
Lotus prides itself on bringing a new way of thinking and a new model entirely to the problem of homelessness. We credit a lot of that innovation to two of our cofounders, Mary Ruth and Philip Payne. Before starting Lotus, they spent countless hours studying the problem and importantly, identifying critical missing links that could advance the ways and pace in which people are being housed. We thrive today because of their leap to see an old problem in a different way and for their continued leadership and support. Apparently, we aren’t the only ones who feel and recognize their power. We congratulate them on being honored as Outstanding Philanthropists of the Year by AFP Charlotte.

A Last 2021 Ask
In addition to supporting us with a year-end gift, we would deeply appreciate you sharing who we are and why you are involved with others in your community. Your word is the most powerful one in helping us gain supporters. Consider forwarding this newsletter or website link along to your neighbors, friends, family, or coworkers.
Thank you and Happy Holidays!