Check Out our 2022 Impact Report


We are pleased to share our latest Impact Report with you, our community.

Lotus Campaign launched nearly five years ago to create an innovative approach rooted in nontraditional partnerships. To open new doors, we brought together the social services sector — experts in trauma-informed care — and those that have available housing — the private real estate sector. The Lotus model removes risks and barriers, including spotty housing history or bad credit, that typically exist for a landlord to rent to someone unhoused, by guaranteeing rent and providing economic incentives to remove economic risk. And our Landlord Participation Program seeks to break the unrelenting cycle of homelessness by intentionally housing individuals in communities where they can strengthen all parts of their lives and facilitate long-term support through our social service partners.

Innovation is the outcome of deploying existing resources in a different way. And the issue of homelessness was long overdue for innovation – and hope.

In the last year, Lotus met the critical landmark of having sponsored nearly 400 individuals in stable, secure housing. Additionally, Lotus has supported 186 renewals, with some residents renewing more than once and 109 who have graduated to housing themselves. Our first impact investment, a multifamily apartment complex owned by Lotus, reserves 20% of its units for Lotus Campaign residents, proving you can do good and do well. New inroads have been carved that will make it possible to take our model to a new city. Four additional landlords and social service organizations joined our program. We created a “Foundation Fund” to provide residents graduating from our program with a hand up as they support themselves. Finally, we continued to educate, through this report, events, and conversations, on the realities of why someone ends up unhoused and why solving homelessness will require systems change. You can read more about all of our achievements and partnerships, as well as hear from some of the participants who have benefited from our Landlord Participation Program in the report here.

Our work leads with hope because there is hope. That hope exists because of you. Thank you for being a part of our community.

After you check out this latest report, please consider making a gift to Lotus Campaign to keep us solving the unsolvability of homelessness.

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